Time: 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM (1st April to 31st October) 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM (1st November to 31st March)
In these dispensaries the building, light and water etc. have been provided by these NGOs whereas the Vaidya & Compounder and medicines are made available by the Trust free of cost. The recurring expenditure on each dispensary per annum is approximately Rs. 3 lacs.
Mobile Health Unit
Regular Mobile Camps are also being organized in rural areas. For this purpose, two Ambulances are going utilized. One Van has been in Kalera Krishna Gopal (Kekri) & other ambulance in Ajmer rural area.
Free medical advice is also given to the patients who seek medical advice on their health problems by post.
Assistance by way of providing free medicines is also given to outside Dharmarth Aushdhalayas for free distribution to the patients. The number of such Aushdhalayas is increasing every year.
The Trust has also served the suffering mankind by providing free medicines to Army on the Kargil front and at other high altitudes. For victims of Gujarat earthquake, the Trust extended monetary help of Rs.50,000/-, Similarly, at times of epidemic, scarcity conditions and also in Kumbh and other melas, medicines have been freely distributed by organizing camps there.