(a.) To render services to suffering mankind through the medium of Ayurvedic treatment.
(b.) To prepare medicines and to distribute them free of cost to the poor and needy persons and if necessary, to frame rules, regulations or bye laws for the purpose.
(c.) To buy drugs, herbs, chemicals, medicines and other preparations and to sell the same whether as finished or semi finished products in the state as purchased; to establish, maintain, close or reopen shops or other establishments at such places within or out-side India as may from time to time be decided upon by the Trustees and to apply all surplus, if any, realized as a result thereof for the purposes and objects of the Trust.
(d.) To cause the writing, printing, publishing and sale of literature on the science of Ayurved and cognate subjects for the promotion and propagation of Ayurvedic System of medicines.
(e.) Publish literature in various languages for the use and benefit of the ayurvedic system of medicines and in doing so special attention may be devoted to the needs and requirements of the rural population.
(f.) To establish institution or institutions including Ayurvedic Pathshala, (College) or University for imparting education and carrying on research on Ayurvedic knowledge at Kalera Krishna Gopal or at such other places as are considered appropriate.
(g.) To establish, aid or open clinics, stable or mobile for the purpose of rendering medical aid and extending practical training to the students.
(h.) To aid, sponsor, organize and encourage research in Ayurvedic system of medicines and for this purpose to found, establish, maintain and keep botanical gardens for purposes of carrying out research or to depute research parties to various places.
(i.) To publish papers, pamphlets, booklets, magazinespertaining to health (Swasthya) and for the prevention of disease with the aid of the system of Ayurveda and to conduct comparative studies of Ayurveda with other systems of medicine.
(j.) To receive gifts, donations, subscription or other monetary aid of any description from persons and institutions or Government for the fulfillment and promotion of aforesaid objects.
(k.) To do all acts and deeds for fulfillment of the aforesaid objects and purposes of the Trust.